Category Archives: Uncategorized

See A Penny, Pick it Up…Maybe it Comes Out In Your Poo Later

“Mommy, where’d the money go?”

“What money, sweetie?”

“The money.”

“Hold on. There was a penny there on the table, wasn’t there.”

“Where did it go?”

“Wait…where did it go Thalia?”

“I eat it.”

“You what? You ate the penny? Are you just saying that?”

“I put it on my tongue. I eat it. I swallow it.”

“And you swallowed it? You swallowed that penny? Why?”


“Yes, why?”

“I would like some dinner mommy.”

“You ate the penny because you’re hungry?”

“I would like a sandwich mommy. And milk in a cup.”

“Don’t eat money any more Thalia. You could choke. You could get sick. Do you understand?”

“Okay mommy.”

“Or at least eat dimes. They’re smaller.”

Update 10/3: The incident has passed. So to speak.