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Lead! Lead in Toys!

Breaking News: Some toys made in China are being recalled for containing lead paint!

Wait, what? You already knew about that? That’s so weird because the New York Times only ran a story on it yesterday.

Oh wait, I knew what I wanted to say. Let me start over.

Breaking News: I’m quoted in an article in the New York Times about toys in China being recalled for lead paint!

Not because I’m an expert–more like because I’m your average dolt who thinks that if you buy toys with a European brand name that they must be made in Europe. Duh.

It’s a nice piece about how confused we all are about this stuff, and possibly the first time ever I haven’t been misquoted. And savvy blog readers will recognize quotes from fellow online navel-gazers, Danielle of Food Momiac, Beth of Silicon Valley Moms and Tech Mamas, and a photo of the elusive Greg from Daddy Types who knows exactly which toys are made in Europe because he’s a big old know-it-all that way. Also AJ of Thingamamababy is in a related piece talking about testing his own lead, dammit.

The craziest thing is that we spent more than an hour in the toy aisles of Target and couldn’t find one toy that wasn’t made in China. Not a single one. One more reason to shop indie perhaps?

And no, I didn’t buy Thalia that pink plastic Barbie guitar she’s looking at in the picture. But I did buy her the made-in-China horse. I’m a pushover.