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Mom101 Reader Appreciation Day

And this is why bloggers are cool:

You talk me down when I’m having a cruel day.
(Post script: I’m sensing that perhaps the freak-out, dire emergency, oh my God you must get home now now NOW call was more a factor of Nate’s anxiety at being left alone with Sage than any real misery on Sage’s part. She is fine. Nate might have to be hurt though.)

You flood me with kind birthday wishes and say way nice things about my Grandma.

You forgive me for not having reciprocated for the past week while I’ve been stuck with no internet connection and no time to read blogs, what with the job and the kid and the travel and the job and the other kid and the job.

You send me emails that make me make me think, make me smile, make me feel I’m not alone, make me laugh–especially the one I got from Jenny from mamadrama (edited to add: also The Bloggess) this week:

The whole time I was at blogher I kept thinking “God, she looks
like some famous movie star but I just can’t place who. Who does she look like?!” Then finally on the flight home it came to me…you look just like Isabella Soprano, the adult film actress… I swear to God this is a compliment. Don’t hate me.

And then she sent me this:

Jenny, I don’t hate you. I love you. I’ve never been so pleased to be called a whore. In fact, I want to perform fellatio on you right now and film it.

Reader appreciation day indeed.