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That’s What It’s All About (Hey!)

I’ve spent the last few days trying to sum up what was so special about the past weekend. (And this is the last BlogHer post! Probably. I think. Well…maybe.)

The friends – sure. The stuff I learned – blah blah blah. The panties on Catherine’s head – okay, so that was pretty fun.

But there was something more for me.

This is it:

Thats me and my mom and my daughter on the right. And Kristen from Mommy Needs a Cocktail, and her mom and her son on the left. At a conference. Together.

Three generations.

I experienced BlogHer as a writer, a blogger, a professional, a business owner, a daughter and a mother all at once. And not one of those things demeaned any other. I think maybe we all take for granted how amazing this is. I mean, could you see Hillary Clinton standing up on the senate floor with a child in a sling and being taken seriously? Could you see Maureen Dowd flashing her boobs to an entire ballroom full of journalists to nurse a baby, without that being the hot topic of conversation for the rest of the day?

Kristen and Christina and Lindsay understand the significance of this; they had their children there too. Lisa Stone, who introduced me to her mother on Friday, certainly understands.

Bravo BlogHer.

When Cooper and Emily of BlogHers Act acknowledged my mom in their closing speech, quoting her line about being honored to see everything she fought for in the 70’s coming to fruition right there in the room, I cried. It closed a circle for me. It brought two important things in my life together – my family, and all of you.

(Yes, you who hasn’t taken a shower for three days. And you, you lurking men whose wives don’t know you like mommyblogs. I include you too.)

As far as the nitpicking about schwag or debating about panel discussions or complaining about session topics or the bathroom doors at the W – whatever, as the kids say these days (or did around 1998 or so). I’m glad we can discuss these things. I’m happy to discuss these things. In fact I love discussing these things – you know how I likes me a good debate. But in the grander scheme of things, the weekend made at least three of us very happy.

Or at least two of us. Sage might have had gas.