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Not Necessarily a BlogHer Recap

I am trying to collect my thoughts from this weekend’s BlogHer Con, which isn’t easy to do when I’m operating on no sleep. Sage graciously picked last night of all nights to fall off the bed at 3:48 AM and while she went right back to sleep, I stayed up for another hour with the 3AM crazies, convinced that her rapid return to slumber was due to the brain-altering concussion she’d just gotten.

(She’s fine.)

Also, I’m recovering from closing my right nipple in my stroller as I went through security at O’Hare. I suppose I was a little distracted by the guard confiscating my shaving cream at the time since, as we all know, a 39 year-old mother from New York with BlogHer buttons on her diaper bag and a canister of Edge in the toiletry case pretty much screams Al Qaeda to anyone proficient in terrorist profiling.

(My nipple’s mostly fine.)

I will say that to link all the amazing women I met this weekend would take me until Thursday. The Toronto contingent alone would take until Wednesday. But it was a fabulous time.

It seemed less political than last year, I didn’t sense any mommyblogger v nonmommyblogger tension, and aside from some minor drama of little consequence most everyone seemed to enjoy herself. The complaints were mostly channeled into constructive discussions–like the one at Citymama right now regarding PR pitches to mombloggers in general and women of color in particular. Or Joy’s awesome panel on the politics of blogrolls which I missed. Because it was the same time as my own panel. Which was mostly me just standing there and listening to a lot of stuff about tax code while thinking about what a bad hair day I was having.

I’m sure by tomorrow there will be plenty of overanalyzing and and overthinking in order to uncover one not-so-fun aspect of the weekend to write about. After all, don’t most women live by Descartes’ wife’s much underquoted line, I Complain Therefore I Am? I know I do.

Until I figure about what I really want to say about the weekend, I am basking in the thoughts of new friends, old friends, Sage’s new friends, my mother’s new friends, my photo with Elizabeth Edwards, and the 18 cookies that I totally shoved into my tote bag when no one was looking.

PS I’d like to thank the crew of American Airlines flight 390 for being super cool during our 2 hours on the runway yesterday. A smile and free bottled water goes a long way.

PPS I’d like to thank the makers of Spanx for the new semi-crotchless design that allows one to easily pee, even standing at a urinal. Photo courtesy of Rebecca who knows how to wear a hat.

It’s a WOMEN’S conference, see?
So we’re commandeering the men’s room, see?