Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Loyalty Test

Thank you so much for all the candid thoughts about blog advertising, good, bad and–well, not really ugly but maybe a little homely if the light hits it in the wrong way. Read the comments – so much intelligent thinking! Please keep it coming if you haven’t weighed in. It will help me seem sharper on my BlogHer panel than I really am these days. (Really. Think about trying to slice through a pineapple with one of those free popsicle stick-looking ice cream taster thingies and that’s sort of how my brain is functioning in these fourth trimester days.)

And since I now know that quite a few of you absolutely hate when bloggers write, “Hey, see what I wrote over at today!” I’m going to do just that. Just to see what happens.


Hey…see what I wrote over at Wonderland on AlphaMom today. I’m keeping the place warm and toasty for Alice in her absence. Or maybe I just farted, which wouldn’t be entirely out of the question. I’m writing about Harry Potter. Ever heard of the guy?