Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Great Sellout: Maybe Me? Maybe You?

There’s a good brawl going over at Metrodad’s place on, of all things, ads on personal blogs. And just in time! As Weird Girl says, it’s been a slow summer, fight-wise. Sure, the crazy “Animals should roam the world free while people are in cages” folks came by to tell me I should have my ovaries forcibly removed from my body for writing this post, but otherwise, s-l-o-w.

Why I was just thinking about posting a good ol’ BREASTFEEDING IS FOR PUSSIES post just to get things going around here.

By the way, I can say PUSSIES here. Why? Because I didn’t check the “I don’t use profanity on my blog so that advertisers can feel happy about advertising here” button in my BlogHer Ads agreement. I feel like a well-placed “fuck” can have great literary value. Besides, if a “holy shitballs, I have toxoplasmosis” line is what needs to come out of my head and onto these pages, I’m not going to hold back.

That’s another story. But it is a good segue.

I’ve got opinions about ads on blogs. Loads of them, some of which I’ve expressed here from time to time. But eh, I’m sick of hearing me think. So I want to know what you think. Especially because next week, I’m speaking at BlogHer about this very thing. So I’m turning to you, my intelligent, opinionated, and attractively blemish-free readers.

What do you think about ads on blogs? Where do you draw the line? Have you ever stopped reading a blog because of too many ads or annoying blinking ads or ads for nuclear munitions? Are there any blog ads you do like to see? Does it matter what kind of blog it is, or are all blogs the same?

Here’s something else I’m curious about: I often see the retort “I’m feeding my family with the ads on my blog” at which point the ad-hater generally stutters “well, uh, I guess that’s okay then. Sorry to have bothered you.” Like we’re talking about panhandling here. Is it acceptable to make money off your blog if it’s your only source of income but for no other reason?

Okay so I’m getting awfully close to my opinions again here (dammit!) which is not the point of this.

See how I said “dammit?” I can do that!