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Wii are Family

Last night, the boobs and Nate and I made a happy foursome as we headed out for our first sans kids night on the town. And by town I mean a way cool little party at Isabel‘s, for which the folks from Nintendo brought over six Wii systems, plied us with alcohol, and hoped that we didn’t fling the joysticks through the flat screens.

It was the perfect date night–Nate headed right for the baseball and I hovered around the crabcakes. And then Alice and her husband showed up so I hovered around them instead. And then Laura Bennett–that Laura Bennett–showed up so we hovered around her. And then a transvestite sort of a fellow who lived upstairs showed up, along with a Jocelyn Wildenstein type of a woman but we didn’t so much hover around them as quietly gawk from a safe distance.

I know this is all too much to try and picture so fortunately I brought my camera.


But then I was having such a nice time feeling tan next to Alice that I didn’t take it out once.


So I present you with the virtual photo album: The photos I would have taken had I not have hit the wine quite so quickly.

The charming, funny, and proudly pale Alice Bradley.

We try desperately to make Nate and Scott BFF but, ugh. Men. You know.

Playing Wii on the hottest night of the year: Sweat is the new black.

Isabel shows off her shapely Alpha-calves. And wait…where is her child? Not attached to her at all times? Wait ’til the media gets a hold of this!

I can’t decide between the wine, the beer, and the mango mojitos.
Which is why God gave us two hands.

Laura arrives in sequins. How she has this figure after five kids, I will never know.

Laura and Alice who are now going steady I am told. (By Alice.)

Nate taking his Wii tennis victory a liiiiiittle too seriously.

I am almost not quite sucking at Wii bowling but the boobs are a bit of a hindrance.

Hahaha! Can you believe THIS happened?

Laura crushes us in bowling, even in 90 1/2-inch heels.
Damn competitive reality TV stars.