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More Notes From the Bleeding Heart Liberal Capitalist Pig*

Answers to frequently asked questions about ads on my blog:

1) No I’m not selling out my kids.

2) Wal-Mart, Domino’s Pizza, and the NRA.

3) Well no one is forcing you to read it, be-yatch.

4)Hahaha, yes! I totally agree with that.

5)About a million dollars a month, give or take.

BlogHer '07 I'm Speaking

To find out what the questions are–and even ask your own–come see me on Day 2 of the BlogHer conference next month, where I’m super honored to be a part of a panel called Professional Blogging: Business Considerations. It’s just a schmancy title for balancing the art and commerce of blogging; or in other words, making a few bucks off your little corner of the internet without selling your soul or pissing off your readers.

It’s easy to recognize me: I’ll be the one with the postpartum spare tire and clothes three years out of date, who refuses to stand up from behind the table.

*In case you’re thinking, “huh?” The original post that the title references can be found here.