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Sarah Palin, Gatorade, and me

Yesterday I got to be the token female on a marketing panel at Baruch College about brands and political candidates and social media. It’s particularly awesome being the token female during torrential rainstorms because I don’t have to care about whether I have the frizziest hair on the panel.

Afterward, one of the students asked me the super best question of all time. Just the kind of thing you ask when you’re trying to impress a marketing pro who might have your resume in her hand one day:

“How do you balance being a nice, sweet mom with a soulless job in advertising?”

My answer: “How do you know I’m a nice sweet mom?”

Ah, students. So cute with their tongue rings.

In any case, the panel had the provocative title, What do Sarah Palin and Gatorade have in common? So I put the question out on twitter and showed the best responses as a dandy slide show at the panel.

You’re funny, you Twitter people. Thanks for making me look smart, because the only answer I could think of was, “uh…they’ve both spent a lot of time in locker rooms?”