Category Archives: Uncategorized

A funny thing happened on the way to the bathroom…

 This HILARIOUS post is brought to you by Quilted Northern Soft + Strong. Thanks Quilted Northern! More on that below.

Do not even try to give me dog training advice. Seriously. It’s not worth it. Just watch my tale of woe. And laugh at my expense.

So here’s something cool: If you tell me your own funny story around bathroom behavior–any kind of funny story at all–I’m going to draw one winner at random and these things will happen:

1. I’ll post the funny story here with a link back to your blog
2. You will win a $50 Visa Gift Card to help make your bathroom a prettier place.
3. You will win a year’s supply of Quilted Northern toilet paper, who is graciously sponsoring this contest and my blog and gets a big thumbs up for that. No one ever wants to sponsor this blog! What in God’s name are they thinking? I don’t know, but who am I to look a gift toilet paper in the mouth?

Oh, here’s one other thing: If you don’t need a year’s supply of toilet paper (who knows – maybe you use these things) you could also donate your supply to a local women’s shelter, your public school, or a place that really needs it. (One of the things I like about Quilted Northern is their commitment to increasing sustainability, and to corporate responsibility with support for orgs like Susan G Komen.)

You can also join the conversation on; on Twitter @QuiltedNorthern which is giving away more free stuff; or on You Tube (where they seriously need the help of some funny bloggers) to help make the taboo talkable.


Funny bathroom behavior story? Video (I used Animoto) or comment. You’ve got until midnight Weds November 3.

Congrats to Bill of Daddy Is Tired! likes you, and so do I.  The winning story:

My daughter was having sleep issues which included too many visits to the bathroom, and we had let her know in no uncertain terms that we were tired of it (because it was waking us up too). Anyway, after weeks of this, one night she woke us up by yelling her usual “I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!” over and over.We finally went downstairs and found her in the bathroom. “I’m out of toilet paper.””Why didn’t you just say that,” we asked.”Because I didn’t want you to know I was in the bathroom.”*sigh*